“We’re thrilled to announce that “Revival” will feature the renowned artists The Indigo Girls and Charlie Starr with Benji Shanks of Blackberry Smoke,” said Leigh Burns, Director of the Fox Theatre’s community partnerships program. “This annual benefit is all about celebrating our state’s rich theater and music culture, bringing together fans and supporters in Atlanta for a memorable evening of performances and meaningful fundraising.”
This year’s concert proceeds will go to one of the core outreach programs, “Fox in a Box,” which directly benefits elementary school students throughout Georgia. “Fox in a Box” teaches students about the communal history of the Fox Theatre and challenges them to think about the importance of communities banding together to protect what is important to them. “Revival’s” Fund-A-Mission sponsor and Official Bank of the Fox Theatre, Regions Bank, will generously match audience donations raised during this interactive five-minute fundraiser. More details on how to participate in this auction and others are coming soon. Fans are encouraged to check the event’s web page at foxtheatre.org for more information.
Read the full article here