HBCU Students to Showcase Art That Honors Legacy of Atlanta Educator, Artist Dr. Ruth Hall Hodges

by Fulton Watch News Feed

The YMCA of Metro Atlanta is hosting a reception today to celebrate the opening of the Ruth Hall Hodges Art Gallery and participating artists from local historically Black colleges and universities (HBCU).

During the event, artists will showcase their work to families, friends, professors and classmates.

Each student will have the opportunity to speak about their submitted art pieces that honor Ruth Hall Hodges’ legacy and dedication to nurturing emerging artists.

A native Atlantan, educator and artist, Dr. Ruth Hall Hodges was well-known for her role in promoting arts among children and in the African American community. Initially a teacher in Atlanta public schools, Dr. Hodges taught the first art courses offered to African American students.

Dr. Hodges spent the remainder of her career as an art education professor at Morris Brown College, teaching the first art courses offered at the College. She also chaired the College’s first art department.

This gallery celebrates her legacy by showcasing remarkable artwork created by Atlanta University Center students, including those from Morris Brown College, where she served as an art professor.

Visuals include tours of the art gallery, students speaking about their art pieces and more.

The ceremony will take place today at the YMCA of Metro Atlanta Leadership and Learning Center at 5 p.m.

Read the full article here

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