Atlanta-based author Van Jensen’s new sci-fi novel ‘Godfall’ puts a unique twist on a massive object falling from space – WABE

by Fulton Watch News Feed

What do you dream of when you dream? That line comes up multiple times in the Atlanta-based author Van Jensen’s new novel, “Godfall.” And the answer, well, if you’re Jensen, you dream of a story premise that is so incredibly unique that a bidding war for the TV rights ensues.

Godfall follows the story of David Blunt, the sheriff of a small Nebraska town during the time leading up to and following what should have been an extinction event – a miles-long object falling from space destined to crash into the Earth. That idea alone is not amazingly original. However, it’s when you discover what the gigantic object from outer space is that the book orbits into a world of its own.

In this interview, the author joins “City Lights” managing producer Kim Drobes to talk more about his new hit novel and how his world has changed since its release.

More information about his new novel, Godfall, is available here. 

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