The Atlanta City Council voted unanimously Dec. 4 to deny a developer’s request to rezone a property in the Garden Hills neighborhood and demolish existing apartments to construct several luxury townhomes. The Council’s vote continues a string of opposition against the proposed development, including from nearby residents. Neighborhood Planning Unit B and the city’s Zoning Review Board (ZRB) previously voted to deny the request.
Development called for demolition of existing apartments
The proposed development from Hedgewood Homes aimed to demolish the existing apartments, which were built prior to WWII, at 71 Sheridan Drive for the construction of three luxury townhomes. Three variances, including a reduction of the front yard setback, were included in the developer’s plans for the 0.3-acre site.
Two previous rezoning requests by Hedgewood Homes nearby along Sheridan Drive were previously approved. However, the NPU-B took issue with this development, noting in its letter to the ZRB the proposal is “inconsistent with the neighborhood character along Peachtree” among other concerns. The NPU-B voted 19-4 to deny the rezoning request Nov. 7.
The NPU noted Hedgewood’s proposal was inconsistent with the area’s comprehensive development plan. The apartments currently on the site serve as an appropriate “line of demarcation” between the lower density homes nearby and the multi-family housing near Peachtree Road, characterized by the NPU as “middle housing.”
“The proposed use is not consistent with the future comprehensive land use plan or neighborhood character,” the letter said. “While the concerns were numerous, the NPU felt that the proposed attached single-family bespoke homes were not suitable given the proximity to Peachtree Road and the history as missing middle housing.”
The NPU’s letter also said neighbors of the property were generally not…
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