The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation announced Sept. 21 that it is doubling down on Atlanta’s Westside.

It is awarding three grants totaling $22.4 million, making that the largest round of gifts the foundation has made on the Westside to date. In all, the foundation’s committed investment in the Westside since 2007 now totals more than $88 million.

Our Next Chapter campaign
John Ahmann of the Westside Future Fund at the September Transform Westside Summit. (Photo by Maria Saporta.)

The grants are part of the foundation’s refreshed strategy to increase the economic mobility of legacy residents in the English Avenue and Vine City neighborhoods, communities that are directly west of the Mercedes Benz Stadium. Arthur M. Blank, majority owner of the Atlanta Falcons, made a commitment to invest in those neighborhoods during the construction of the stadium.

The goal is for legacy residents “to have a viable choice” to remain in the community, according to Danny Shoy Jr., managing director of Youth Development and Atlanta’s Westside for the foundation. “As the Westside continues to change and gentrification happens, we want to mitigate and minimize displacement,” Shoy said in an interview.

The three grants are focused on affordable housing and financial inclusion.

The largest grant — $10 million — is going to the Westside Future Fund to help launch its $55 million “Our Next Chapter” campaign. The grant will support affordable housing projects in the English Avenue and Vine City neighborhoods. The program’s three service areas include single-family homeownership, rental housing and property tax assistance for legacy residents. 

“It’s the single largest one-time philanthropic commitment we’ve received,” said John Ahmann, president and CEO of the Westside Future Fund. “Given the leadership role of the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation, it’s an important validation of the significance of our work, and the latest round of grants is…

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