(Last Updated On: January 12, 2024)
One of the biggest switch-ups over the past few weeks in downtown Newnan, is that of Bold Soul Originals. As of January 1, 2024, the store is under new ownership. Manager of Bold Soul Originals, Emily Lenning was given the keys of the green building on Greenville Street for good from former owner Angela Nielsen.
Here is a (non edited) note that was made public on Emily’s personal Facebook page that was shared on The City Menus Newnan this week:
“After a couple of months with sleepless nights, happy/sad tears, and what the hell moments- I will no longer be the manager of Bold Soul Originals As of Jan 1, 2024, I will be the OWNER!!!! After processing what is actually happening, i am so excited to start living my dream To the customers, THANK YALL!!! for the bottom of my heart, this wouldn’t be possible WITHOUT yall!! Mom and Dad, thank yall. thank yall. thank y’all. Having y’all as my support system and cheerleaders has made this an easy dream become my reality. lastly, Angela Nielsen, thank you for believing in me, trusting me, pushing me to be better, and giving me the opportunities. you have empowered me in ways i can’t even begin to explain. I truly don’t have the words to explain my gratitude and love for you; i dont think i ever will. I just hope you understand how HONORED i feel. thank you for being a role model and a mentor in the past and for sure in the future. Time to kiss the jr goodbye because here comes THE HBIC.”
In other switches, the Three Sisters storefront directly next door was converted into a new location for Ellie + Roo. This particular business is a children’s clothing store ran by the same ownership as Newnan Mercantile. It was originally upstairs, now they will have a much easier walk in location on Greenville Street.

Now let’s move to East Broad Street! The former Eat Thai restaurant has been converted into a sandwich and spirits shop called…
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