GaDOE Recognized for School Improvement, Workforce Development, and Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education Efforts

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The Georgia Department of Education has been recognized with the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB)’s 2023 State Leadership Award, which recognized the agency for creating professional learning experiences for educators and implementing college- and career-readiness strategies.

SREB commended GaDOE’s efforts in the areas of school improvement and Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education, including efforts to:

  1. Create virtual professional learning communities for school leaders to discuss common challenges and share improvement strategies, in collaboration with SREB
  2. Develop an online mentoring course for educators who serve as mentors for new teachers
  3. Create a profile of a CTAE graduate to guide professional learning and instructional practices for Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education teachers

 “Georgia has made great strides in providing educators with high quality professional learning that is engaging, job-embedded and ongoing,” said Dale Winkler, SREB Vice President for School Improvement. “Together, these initiatives to build the capacity of educators to solve common problems and implement powerful instructional strategies contribute to higher levels of student achievement.”

SREB’s State Leadership Award recognizes states that have established continuous improvement structures and processes to help schools transform school and classroom practices, establish and sustain change, and increase student achievement.

“It is a foundational focus for us at the Georgia Department of Education to provide clear and usable supports for districts and schools that ultimately benefit students, and to remain focused on providing an education that prepares students for careers and life,” State School Superintendent Richard Woods said. “I wish to thank the Southern Regional Education Board for recognizing these efforts, along with Dr. Stephanie Johnson and Dr. Barbara Wall who oversee our school improvement and Career,…

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