Raising girls comes with its own set of challenges. Organizations like The Power of Girls and Girls of Excellence Incorporated are serving parents of Atlanta to conquer those challenges. The two groups are collaborating to host a Mind Body and Spirit Wellness Day. This event assembles experts in fitness, mindfulness, nutrition, and other areas of health to teach the children and parents methods to become their best selves.

“This will be an amazing event for our girls and their families. We are putting the tools and resources out in the community to support everyone. They’ll walk away with something that can help them in the next step in their journey.” said Toya Russell-Phillips, MBA, Founder of Girls of Excellence.

On Saturday, February 24th, the Mind, Body, and Spirit Wellness Day was held at Atlanta Metropolitan State College. The event was open to the public and marked the third year of its occurrence. Girls of Excellence and Power of Girls organized the event to provide parents and girls with tools and information on better self-care. The event covered various aspects of personal hygiene, healthy cooking, and physical activities. Attendees were provided with resources and contact information to help them build better habits for a better life. The primary goal of Wellness Day was to equip young girls and parents with the necessary skills and knowledge to take care of themselves.

“I am personally invested in this because of the things that I went through when I was younger, but we didn’t talk about it. Now we have a venue to talk about these different things,” said Tameka Key, Founder of The Power of Girls.

“One of the things that we will cover at the event is Period health. It feels so taboo, but we no longer talk about those things. We did not have the conversation back when I was in school,” said Key.

Girls of Excellence Inc. and the Power of Girls are two youth mentorship programs for girls ages 8-18. Both expose girls…

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