Have a Seat at the Table | Douglasville Sentinel

by Fulton Watch News Feed

The Cultural Arts Center Douglasville/ Douglas County (CAC) has a new place to sit and enjoy the arts thanks to the hard work of Sanaa Madison. If you’ve heard of the butterfly effect and you love to hear good news, then the CAC has a story to share. This is a story about one young lady who is creating contagiously positive ripples for a better community and a happier world. Sanaa Madison reached out to the CAC in November 2023 with a vision, and by January 2024 the Arts Center has been enjoying its picnic table adorned with a bright painting of a golden butterfly mural. Guests and students can sit to enjoy the fresh air, commune, study, and grow.

After much collaboration with her scout community and mentors, Sanaa recognizes the freedom of not only giving back, but “giving back with creativity.” Sanaa reiterates her gratitude for everyone who has inspired her, and made her more aware of the importance of the arts in community. Passersby may see a bench and not realize its impact, but Girl-Scout Sanaa Madison is aware, and she shares her process and message with the CAC. At first, Sanaa started seeing new public art projects throughout the community. Art can improve identity, pride, and overall quality to daily life. Sanaa confirmed these studies with her own research and from what she has learned from her leaders. “[My leaders] have instilled in me the importance of giving back, and what a blessing it is to do so.”

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