Decatur Dog Who Saved Sheep From 11 Coyotes Gets National Nod

by Fulton Watch News Feed

DECATUR — It was a little over a year ago since Casper took on 11 coyotes while trying to protect John Wierwille’s sheep.

The now 3-year-old Great Pyrenees livestock guardian dog almost lost in his life in November 2022, braving the fight against the coyotes and losing his tail in the process; but today, he is nominated for Farm Bureau’s People’s Choice Pup of the Year.

“For us, it is surprising and fun to consider, but mostly we think of Casper as part of the team that helps our family tend sheep in the city,” Wierwille, Casper’s owner, told Patch. “He is fun to work with because he is so full of energy and has his own mind. I tell people all the time that he makes us better shepherds because he does things that we cannot do.”

When coyotes threatened Wierwille’s sheep last year, Casper jumped into action. Wierwille said part of Casper’s tail was bitten off in the battle while the remainder became infected, causing it to be docked.

“That means he now wags his entire body from the shoulders back to show his glee,” Wierwille said.

Casper’s ear has nicely healed, but a wound about 2 inches wide and about 4 inches long rests on his neck. He also has a flank wound that is about 4 inches wide and 8 inches long.

He is hairless in those areas though Wierwille said his fluffiness makes it unnoticeable.

“The doctors and vet techs at LifeLine are nothing short of miracle workers for the way they were able to tend the huge wounds on his neck and left flank,” Wierwille said. “None of those wounds seem to give him any pause.”

Casper’s rescues continued this year as recent as last week. Wierwille said two of his other dogs had become injured in another attack, and the coyotes had killed a lamb.

So, he took Casper and another dog, Daisy, with him to spend the night with the flock. Minutes later, Casper was chasing off coyotes that were once again threatening Wierwille’s sheep.

“Casper ran the predators off, and we have not seen them since,” Wierwille said. “He was a real pain…

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