I have enjoyed growing lavender in my personal garden for many years. As a second-year Master Gardener in 2009, the North Fulton County Extension Agent requested volunteers to open a booth at the new Roswell Farmer’s Market. I agreed to open a booth named “The Lavender Lady” where I sold cut lavender bundles, lavender crafts and garden flowers.
Garden Lavender is a spiky, shrubby plant prized for its wonderful color, scent and appearance. The plant comes in colors of deep purple, lavender, pink, white and several shades in between. There are over 450 varieties of lavender that exist with more currently being identified.
Our Georgia climate is different from the dry, chalky Mediterranean climate where lavender originated. In recent years, growers have developed a species that is more tolerant of our Southern heat and humidity. It is an English lavender (Lavendula angustifolia) named ‘Phenomenal’ that has been field tested from Texas to Georgia and has even been grown in Florida’s hot climate.
Other types of lavender, such as Spanish lavender (Lavendula stoechas), including the varieties “Otto Quast,” “Silver Anouk” and “Anouk” have been successfully grown in Georgia. The main difference between English lavender and Spanish lavender is their size. English lavender is taller than Spanish lavender and typically has longer leaves. Other differences between the two varieties include their color, the appearance of their flowers and their…
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