Members of the city’s Infrastructure Committee discussed planning for the future during their meeting on Monday.
This committee’s main interest in new development is based on infrastructure needs that would be required to accommodate businesses. The south side of Roswell is a potential candidate for lodging, a restaurant or some additional retailing, according to city officials.
A separate discussion occurred about the potential use of a Community Development Block Grant for the city’s engineering department. The idea is for this type of grant is that it be used for sidewalks and roadway projects in low-income areas of Roswell. City staff suggested a grant request for between $750,000 to $1 million.
City Engineer Louis Najar explained that once the request exceeds $750,000, there would be a requirement for a parentage of matching funds. He also briefed the group about how the application process works.
Councilor Cristina Arnold asked that there also be a discussion about economic development opportunities in South Roswell. She said there has been interest expressed by representatives of existing entities, such as Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell, that there be efforts made to attract a hotel and a restaurant.
More suggestions came from other committee members, such as a big-box retailer.
“People were so disappointed when Kmart walked away,” said Councilor Juan Oropesa, who also chairs the Infrastructure Committee. “One of those kinds of box stores would be very helpful on that side of town.“
This is a location that would require infrastructure improvements and additions.
“Businesses do come in and talk to us,” Najar said.
He used as an example Dion’s, a restaurant in the 1300 block of South Main Street. They were encouraged to look for a site on the south side of the city.
Arnold invited Mike Espiritu, president and CEO of the Roswell-Chaves County Economic Development Corporation, to join in on this topic.
“Yes, we do need stuff out there,”…
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