Union Academy embarked on a new journey and transformation at the beginning of this school year. After gaining a new principal in Brian Moffitt, he successfully sought approval from the school system to rename the school, Bartram Academy, reflecting a commitment to instill curiosity, adventure, and growth in its students. This change is coupled with the exciting news of a partnership between Bartram Academy and LBJ Job Corps, offering enhanced educational opportunities for both sets of students.
During the recent September board meeting of the Macon County Board of Education, a program was approved that opens doors for Bartram Academy students to pursue career-track vocational courses, enriching their education and preparing them for the future. Simultaneously, students enrolled at LBJ Job Corps will have the opportunity to complete their high school diploma if needed, through Macon County Virtual Academy.
The LBJ Job Corps is a government-sponsored residential education and job-training program catering to young people aged 16-24, primarily from low-income and at-risk backgrounds. Established in 1964 by President Lyndon B. Johnson as a part of the War on Poverty and Great Society domestic reforms, the Job Corps program aims to impart academic and vocational skills essential for future employment.
There are 120 Job Corps centers nationwide, with four situated in North Carolina. LBJ Job Corps, one of these centers, primarily serves students from inner city areas in cities like Charlotte, Greensboro, and Raleigh, as well as from the southeastern catchment area, encompassing states such as Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida. Furthermore, LBJ Job Corps also extends its services to students from diverse backgrounds, including world refugees from Africa and Burma.
At LBJ Job Corps, students have access to a range of vocations, including office administration, culinary arts, painting, welding, facility…
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