Glanton-Hindsman Elementary Earns National STEM Certification

by Fulton Watch News Feed

(Last Updated On: April 21, 2023)

Nationally STEM certified Glanton-Hindsman Elementary School faculty and administration celebrated the campus’s certification with district personnel and community partners at a celebration event April 19.

Glanton-Hindsman Elementary School has been named a National STEM Certified Campus by the National Institute for STEM Education making a total of 14 Carroll County Schools campuses with the distinction.

NISE-certified STEM campuses have implemented 21st-century learning and strategies in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics that transform school culture and maximize student achievement. Only 2 percent of schools in the nation are nationally STEM certified.

In addition to GHES becoming a NISE National STEM Campus, three GHES teachers also earned their individual STEM certification: Caroline Bruce, Tanika Thompson and Tina Thompson. Also, Principal Cecelia Brown and Assistant Principal Erika Keel are now National STEM certified administrators.

“STEM education is a priority in Carroll County,” Carroll County Schools Superintendent Scott Cowart said. “We emphasize future-focused thinking and skills at all of our schools, and STEM concepts are a great way to teach students to be goal oriented and have a growth mindset. STEM practices are a strong foundation to create lifelong learners.”

GHES is also district STEM certified, under a process only three school systems in Georgia utilize. Eighteen Carroll County Schools campuses have district STEM certification.

“Glanton-Hindsman is incredibly proud to be recognized as a National STEM School! This recognition serves as a testament to the hard work and commitment of our teachers to provide a premier learning environment,” Principal Cecelia Brown said.

“Future focused instruction that helps students display a growth mindset while utilizing creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and communication skills is essential…

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