High above Midtown, training center protesters rescued from crane

by Fulton Watch News Feed

Atlanta police officers, SWAT team members and firefighters responded to the Brasfield & Gorrie construction site at Edge Hill Avenue and Watkins Street to remove the two by sawing through the sleeping dragons, which involves placing an individual’s hands inside PVC pipes and other materials to make it difficult to cut through. The footage shows officials covering one of the protesters with a tarp as they cut through the device.

Demos and Hetzel were cut free more than three hours later. The footage then shows one of the protesters being attached to a rope by a harness and being asked to climb down the crane.

“We’re going to cut. That’s what we do. That’s what we get paid to do, is cut. So, y’all guys have made it up to the top. Y’all got the crowd, everybody is happy. They’re satisfied with you at this point. There’s no need to put yourselves in a situation,” a law enforcement officer can be heard saying to the protesters.

Protestors Affix Themselves To A Crane

Emergency rescue crews respond to protestors who affixed themselves to a construction crane.

Both the Atlanta Police and Atlanta Fire Rescue chiefs express their concern about a dangerous stunt by the anarchists, who climbed construction equipment to protest the construction of the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center.

Posted by City of Atlanta Police Department on Thursday, March 28, 2024

A group of co-activists gathered near the crane starting at around 4:30 a.m. Those opposed to the training center have said its construction will damage the South River Forest in DeKalb County and contribute to what they believe is the militarization of the police department. City officials have said the facility, which is set to open later this year, is necessary to maintain well-trained police and fire departments.

Police Chief Darin Schierbaum said Wednesday’s protests took law enforcement personnel away from being able to respond to and patrol other areas of the city.

“What if an active shooter…

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